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Loss of hair is not a strictly male disorder. Although many doctors don’t pay much intention to this condition since it is not life threatening, female patients may suffer serious emotional and psychological damage because of feeling of helplessness and low self-esteem.

Hair loss in women occurs mostly due to hormonal imbalance, side effects of birth control pills and other medications, hair dyes and bleaches, harsh brushing and it can emerge during or after pregnancy. According to American Academy of Dermatology approximately 15 % of American women suffer from this condition.

Baldness in women commonly begins around 30, it gets more visible in time and after menopause it becomes obvious. Hair loss pattern in females goes around entire top of the head, while, in men, temple and the crown area are affected. Another difference between male and female hair loss is that man this condition starts because of genetic predisposition along with the age whereas in women this can happen anytime and it’s not as much genetically related.


Reason for this condition is that hair follicles basically close, like in men.

Every hair follicle goes through tree phases: 1) growing phase or anagen, from 2 to 6 years, 2) resting phase or catagen, about 3 months, 3) hair shedding or telogen phase.

Some studies indicate that male hormone dehydrotestosterone (DHT) is responsible for hair loss since it forces the follicles to go into resting phase. Excessive DHT in follicle causes its shrinking and eventually dying.

Major causes for boldness and hair thinning include: liver or thyroid disorders, childbirth, anemia, lack of zinc or proteins, drug abuse, amphetamines, high body temperature, anesthesia, eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia, vitamin A surplus, chemotherapy (antimitotics), beta blockers, bromocriptine (for suppressing lactation), thyroid disorders, extreme stress, birth control pills (starting and stopping), kidney or liver conditions, anticholesterol agents, certain infections, certain types of autoimmune disorders, etc.

Very important thing is to get precise diagnosis before searching for cure since various conditions have the same symptoms. You need to avoid self-diagnosis and firstly search for treatment of underlying physical problem that can be determined by blood tests or even scalp biopsy.Signs and symptoms in women are generally thinning of the hair and hairline withdrawal.

In case of greasy scalp accompanied with thinning hair, experts recommend regular shampooing since it reduces sebum (oil that is produced by scalp). Sebum is filled with high level of testosterone which is harmful for the hair follicle.

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