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Resistance training is based on using some weight in exercising process. The weight is needed for creating resistance for muscles so that the movement performed is not done with ease. Resistance training can be both cardio and muscle mass building, depending on the amount of the additional weight used. Resistance training for women does not differ much from that for men, except in the amount of used weight.


Resistance training will strengthen the muscles as much as possible. If low weight is used, muscles will remaining in lean shape, but if heavier weights are used, muscle mass will be in a bulked up shape (effect wanted in bodybuilding). For women, the body's weight is usually the only weight used in the beginning of exercising. Exercises that are used in this situation are push-ups. Push-up can be done in two ways, from two different starting positions. One requires propping the body on palms and feet, while the other uses palms and knees. This second form is easier one, because less weight is lifted. In a starting position, arms are stretched, with palms at the shoulder width. By bending the arms in elbows, the push-up is done. Body is lowered, almost touching the ground and from there, it goes up. The point is that the spine and legs should be in the same line for the best use of the body's weight. In the second form, when knees are used, that line cannot be made and that is why it is not such a hard exercise, but it is great for beginners.

Another resistance exercise that utilizes the body's weight only is called triceps dips. This is a bit harder exercise than a push-up It can be done with the help of parallel bars set at the waist level and distanced from each other so the body is set in between. Arms are set aside and they have to grab the bars. In that moment, the legs are bent in knees and the entire body is in the air, held by the bars with hands. Bending the arms in elbows will lower the body and then it is lifted up with the strength of the arms (triceps mostly).


Resistance training, as well as any type of workout, is most effective when it is combined with some proper and healthy eating. This will emphasize the fat burning process and with enough proteins, muscles will become a lot stronger. Combining these two will create the best possible result for those who want to get rid of excessive pounds and shape up the body.

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