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For those with stressful physical activities, wrinkled and small dark pebbles of raisins can be consumed. So, we will focus more on these items that are full of energy waiting to be consumed. They are in fact dried grapes and they can be carried just about anywhere and give you energy very quickly. They are also rich in calories and nutrients and have low fat level. Also, they spoil very hard. When they are eaten, they give a sugary sweet taste and you can include them in cakes, cookies, puddings, sandwiches, salads or anything else you find appropriate. They have a high level of calories, which makes them excellent for those who have a lot of physical activities.


Raisins are grapes, but they have a lot more calories, eight times more. If you like milk chocolate along with raisins, this will have 702 calories while a cup of yogurt with raisins has 751 calories. As, we have mentioned, the calories amount creates great nutrition for athletes. 40 calories are located in the 10 pieces of the chocolate coated raisins. They are also a great source of nutrition. There are 97.66g of sugar, 1236mg of potassium, 167mg of phosphorous, 53mg of magnesium, 3,10mg of iron, 82mg of calcium, 6.1g of dietary fat, 5.07g of protein, and 130.65g of carbohydrates in one cup of packed raisins.

Health Benefits of Raisins

We will focus now on the benefits that may come from the consummation of raisins. The first one is the regulation of the blood pressure. This effect is created because of the potassium and the low amounts of sodium. By taking raisins, the blood pressure is normalized and the chance of hypertension reduced. Raisins can also help because of the antioxidant abilities, so they can eliminate the free radicals and eliminate the chances of creating several fatal conditions among which is cancer.

Another problem that can be prevented with the use of raisins is constipation. We are all familiar with the effect that raisins have on the digestive system. The water, in which the raisins were soaked for two days, can eliminate the problem of constipation. The bowel movement is increased and the colon becomes healthier because of the elimination of harmful materials. Raisins have boron, which converts the estrogen and vitamin D to its active state. This trace mineral is very important and if its levels are low, osteoporosis can occur. This problem is associated with the softening of the bones.

There are other benefits that can come from the consumption of raisins. They are macular degeneration prevention, oral hygiene, anemia natural remedy and other. Remember that, although they are small, they are very powerful and full of energy.

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