Information on Sprouts
Sprouts can be bought in stores but they can also be grownat home. Consumption of sprouts is often associated with vegetarian and veganlifestyles and the power of healthy food. Sprouts are among the healthiesttypes of natural food and they are an important source of numerous differenttypes of nutrients. They are also loaded with calories which may be an issuefor some of those who are trying to lose some excess weight. They can beconsumed in their raw form but they can also be boiled or roasted. They can alsobe consumed as vegetables or salads.
Sprouts Health Benefits
Alfalfa sprouts are an excellent source of saponins, whichmeans they are very efficient in improving the immune system, preventingnumerous different types of cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis,reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and increasing the levelsof good cholesterol in the blood.
Different types of seeds may affect thenutritional value and the amount of calories contained in the sprouts, but allsprouts are excellent sources of proteins, vitamins, essential minerals andcarbohydrates. Endosperm of the sprout seed is loaded with oil, protein andcarbohydrates which eventually become sugars and amino acids once the seedbecomes germinated. Sprouts are very efficient in providing the much neededlevels of energy in the human body.
Sprouts can also be of great help inslowing down the process of aging and enhancing the overall strength and healthof the bones. They are also essential in the prevention of menopause,premenstrual syndrome, hot flashes and breast tumors. All sprouts are alsoexcellent sources of phytochemicals which are efficient in the treatment ofnumerous medical conditions. Sprouts have very potent antioxidant propertiesand they can be of great help in preventing leukemia and different types ofcancer.
Nutritional Value of Sprouts
Each ounce of raw alfalfa sprouts contains 7 calories. Onebowl of stir-fried, sprouted cooked lentils with salt contains approximately101 calories. A cup of raw sprouted alfalfa seeds contains only 8 calories. Acup of raw sprouted radish seeds contains twice as much. Half a pack of beansprouts may contain up to 27 calories.
A cup of sprouted wheat contains up to214 calories. A cup of raw sprouted mature seeds of mung beans may contain 31calories while each cup of cooked Brussels sprouts contains 65 calories. A cupof raw sprouted lentils contains approximately 82 calories.
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