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About Nausea

Nausea isvery common. This not so particularly pleasant feeling can make a person vomitor feel like he/she is going to throw up and experience stomach discomfort. It canbe caused by different factors, and in some cases it can be related to motionand sea sickness disorders. Right after the meal, nauseous feeling is usuallycaused by indigestion or sometimes by food poisoning. There is also apossibility to be allergic to the food you have just eaten and feel ready tovomit because of the reaction in your body. Pregnant women are very oftencomplaining about nausea in the first trimester, while patients suffering fromthe stomach flu can experience nausea as one of the symptoms of the disease. Medicationscould provoke nausea as the adverse effect, too.

There aredrugs used for treatment of nausea in certain cases, but they are not foreveryone, especially not for pregnant women. Also, sometimes, even though thesedrugs are designed to relieve nauseous feeling, you can experience worsening ofyour condition after you took the medication.

Acupressure Treatment

Acupressure andpressure points can be an instant and no-side-effects therapy whenever you feelnauseous. Just by applying pressure with your fingertips you can relieve thisunpleasant feeling, whether it’s yours or someone else’s discomfort inquestion. You don’t need medications, consultation with the doctor or getting outfrom the comfort of your home.

Several spotson the body are well known as acupressure points that respond to nausea. First ofall there is the webbing between your index finger and the thumb. Use thefingers of the other hand and press the webbing, looking for the most sensitiveor even slightly painful spot. Press it down and you could expect to feelrelieved and be without nausea after this.

Beginning ofthe wrist is another pressure spot. It works best if you apply the pressure onthis point when nausea just started.

On yourelbow is another acupressure point. On the inside of bicep tendon is the placewhich you should rub gently at times when you feel like you are going to throwup.

Between the collarbonesthere is yet another point that might be useful to relieve the nauseousfeeling.

Knee jointscontain acupressure points as well. Just one hand below the knee, directly onthe bone is the spot useful for everyone who suffers from nausea. Pressing firmlythat spot should ensure instant relief from nausea.

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