Headaches and Your Everyday Life
Headaches may take place now and then.However, we all know that suffering from these too often is not agood sign. There are many people who have constant headaches, takingover-the-counter medications daily just to suppress these. On theother hand, there are those who suffer from occasional, repetitiveheadaches which can be quite strong and uncomfortable. Either way, ifyou suffer from headaches often you need to treat them. Medicationscan be helpful but they do not fight the cause of your headache,merely the symptom, which is pain. Therefore, the pain and headachesremain present, with the exception that you cannot feel them. Thiscan be quite counter-productive since your health can deterioratewithout you knowing it. There are many different natural ways oftreating headaches. Acupressure is one of these. Even though thismethod has not been officially recognized as a medical treatment,acupressure has helped many with their problems and it is used a lotthroughout the world.
Basically, acupressure removes pain bystimulating certain parts of our body through pressure. There areseveral spots which are meant to stop headaches when pressed theright way. Read on to learn how to relieve yourself of headaches thisway.
Acupressure against Headaches
One of the spots which can relieve youfrom headaches is the area on your hand, between the thumb and theindex finger. In order to experience relief, you are to massage thisarea by squeezing it and pinching it until it becomes tender. About30 seconds of acupressure will suffice here. Just make sure your palmfaces the floor while doing this and avoid this method if you arepregnant.
Next area is located on your forearm, abit further from your wrist. You need to turn your palms to the floorand locate the area between your two arm bones. Then, press the areawith the thumb of your other hand for about 30 seconds.
Finally, your head has acupressurespots which can remove headaches too. All you need to do is placeboth of your hands on the back of your head, finding smalldepressions located at the base of your skull, one on each side ofyour neck midline. Then, massage these areas in circular motion forabout 2 minutes.
There are other pressure spots of thistype on our body. Gently massaging our temples may help. Also, thetop of the foot, between the big toe and the toe next to it. Next,you might massage the inside of your eyebrows, the part nearest toyour nose, by using the tips of your middle fingers.
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