A pressure point is a notion which might stand for two different things. Firstly, it is a part on a person's body which, when pressed, can allow you to read one's pulse. Secondly, when a person is severely cut or bleeding for any other reason, pressing artery against the bone in certain spots may end the bleeding. Thus, this place is called a pressure point as well.
Alternative Use of Pressure Points
Apart from using pressure points on a person's body in order to help him/her, you can also apply pressure in order to defend yourself. Basically, by cutting off one's blood supply to a certain area you may knock him/her unconscious. However, for this to be possible, you need to properly direct your energy to a certain pressure point and deliver proper pressure.
Pressure Point Self-Defense
Various parts of the human body contain these points which you can use for defending yourself against another person. Lungs are one of the sensitive points. So, measure two inches from the nipple and press between the first and the second rib from the top, an inch below the middle of a person's collar bone.
Next, you might want to attack the large intestine. Here you need to press the radial side of the index finger, an inch posterior to the corner of the fingernail.
Heart and bladder pressure points
As for the heart pressure points, these are located 3 inches above the elbow in the grove medial to biceps brachia. The small finger on the hand is used for affecting the small intestine. Again you need to concentrate on applying the pressure just below the corner of the fingernail.
Finally, the back of the knee is known as the bladder pressure point.
Using Pressure Points for Stopping Bleeding
Regardless of the fact that a healthy adult will not have his/her health jeopardized by a small loss of blood, losing large amounts can be life threatening. Initially, in order to stop the bleeding, you are advised to press the wound spot. Do not do this with your hands, but, rather, use a clean piece of cloth. The bleeding part of the body should be lifted above the heart level.
For stopping the bleeding, the most important pressure points are the facial artery, pressed against the lower jaw in order to stop hemorrhage in the nose, mouth or cheeks. If the bleeding stems from the ears or the surrounding areas, temporal artery needs to be pressed against the skull. Next, neck and head bleeding are stopped through pressing the carotid artery against the spinal column. Be careful here and do not press for a long period of time, since you might cut the oxygen supplies to the brain.
Finally, pressing the subclavian artery against the first rib stops bleeding in the shoulder or arm area while pressing the branchial artery against the arm bone can lead to cessation of bleeding in the wrist, arm, forearm and hand. Pressing the femoral artery stops any possible bleeding in the lower parts of our body.
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