Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical technique, stillused worldwide to relieve aches and pains, promote good health and vitality andeven to solve the some serious medical problems.
There are similarities between acupuncture and acupressure. Theseare both methods from the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and both use samepoints on the body, to resolve some health issues in patients. Only differenceis the exact method of point stimulation, because acupressure uses normallyfinger-tip pressure and acupuncture – thin needles.
According to the Chinese teaching, there is life forceinside the body, and this energy flow is also known as “chi”. Chi flows throughthe body on Meridians, invisible lines and paths in the body. All acupressure/acupuncturepoints are placed along the Meridian, and their stimulation affects the chi. Massaging or piercing a specific acupuncture spotimproves the chi of that part of the body, or some other body part associated withthe same spot.
Acupuncture and Science Facts
Scientific society doesn’t have a unified opinion aboutacupuncture. Some claim it is superstition and fake, and others are believersand try to prove its benefits. Those scientists who think that there must be somethingin acupuncture say that the anatomical positioning of the acupuncture points isrelevant. They claim that the founders and developers of this method must haveknown human anatomy, since it enables the targeting of specific parts andorgans.
Scientists discovered that the piercing of the acupunctureneedle aids in releasing endorphin and some other chemicals in the brain. Theseneurochemicals are often found imbalanced and acupuncture thinks of them as thecauses of illnesses and disorders.
Acupuncture Points
Meridians are associated with specific organs or systems inthe human body. For instance, there is a lung Meridian, and if an acupuncturepractitioner pierce the spot with the needle or apply the pressure on the spot,a person suffering from lung problems should experience alleviation of his/herssymptoms. All stress and pain caused by this medical condition should also beeased.
Always make sure to go to a trained specialist foracupuncture. He/she can easily find the appropriate spot and know how to properlypierce the points, without mistakes and unwanted effects.
Acupuncture point chart describes the organs affected by a certainelement, and also seasons, emotions and taste associated with the condition.
Autumn is connected with metal and lung or large intestine.As for energy pattern, acupuncture connects autumn with contraction and accumulation,but also with white color, pungent taste, sadness and weeps.
Winter’s element is water, and it is associated with bladderand urinary problems. There is salty taste connected to winter, the color isblack, energy is conserver, emotion is fear and voice is cry.
Spring is associated with wood, green, expansive energy, anger,shouts and sour taste. Liver and gallbladder are organs connected with thisseason.
Summer is connected with fire, heart, small intestine andred color. Energy is culmination and pattern completion. Joy, bitter taste andlaughing are also associated with this season.
Late summer’s element is earth, organs stomach and spleen,and the color is yellow. Energy-wise, late summer is balance, emotion issympathy, taste – sweet and it voices singing.
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