Acupressure for nausea
Nausea and vomiting are frequent company to motion sickness, pregnancy and also chemotherapy. It can be an irritating and severe symptom, but there are some acupressure methods that are safe to use even in pregnant women and that will ease the problem almost instantly.
Acupressure is a massaging technique. It has been used for centuries in the traditional Chinese medicine and it is similar to acupuncture. Instead of the needles, a person will use the fingertips to apply the pressure to the specific points on the body. The Chinese believe that the pressure adjustment of the energy flow in the body might relieve many of the symptoms in the body, including the stress related problems, nausea, and pain.
Studies have proven that acupressure can relax the muscles, increase the blood circulation and cause the release of endorphins in the body, minimizing the pain of a patient.
Sometimes, acupressure practitioner will use not just fingertips, but also other parts of the body to affect the acupressure points. He/she might use the elbows or feet and sometimes even objects to perform the acupressure.
Nausea Causes
Many different things could generate nauseous feeling, including both internal and external causes. Motion sickness, digestion problems and food poisoning are some of the most known external causes of nausea. Internal cause of the nauseous feeling might be pregnancy or sometimes stress andanxiety.
Traditional Chinese medicine considers nausea as the spleen and stomach problem. They believe that bad eating habits and cold or heat in the stomach may affect the stomach and the spleen, making the person experiencing nausea.
Acupressure Relief for Nausea
To perform an acupressure on yourself it might be a good idea to find an acupressure map, which show the exact location of the acupressure points in the body. You should try to breathe deeply, focusing to the pressure and the acupressure point. The touch should be firm but mustn't cause any pain or discomfort. Start the treatment on the spot when the nausea first appeared and apply the pressure until it completely stops. Sometimes, mild ginger tea can be helpful to ease some of the nauseous feeling.
Pericardium 6 (P6, Nei Guan, Inner Gate) is one of the most important acupressure points for nausea. It is located on the inside of your wrist, just in the middle, between the tendons. When applying the pressure, feel the area of your wrist and press the most sensitive point. The pressure applied to this point will harmonize the organs in the body, relax your body and calm your mind.
Another acupressure point is Stomach 36 (St36), also known as Zu San Li or Foot Three Mile. Find this point at the outside edge of the knee cap, and focus the attention on the spot that feels most responding. It will ease the nausea and increase immunity and energy of the body.
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