Yoga and Pregnancy
If you have a habit of doing yogaregularly and are enjoying this process very much, you might need the slight modifications once you find out you are pregnant. Namely, someposes of regular yoga may not be completely suitable for you evenduring your first trimester. Nevertheless, yoga can still offer youplenty of positive things during your pregnancy. Therefore, youshould not stop with it. Rather, you should consult with your yogapractitioner and let him or her know of your condition. Then, thepractitioner may either recommend you poses you should do and let youknow about the poses which are not suitable for pregnant women, orsuggest you find a prenatal yoga practitioner for the time being. All in all, you can listen to your body, and notice which exercisesare good for you and which are not, modifying the frequency, type andintensity of your yoga indulgence in order to make it ideal for yournew purposes and changed state of affairs.
Additionally, if you feel that youryoga classes are too hard for you during your pregnancy, but,prenatal yoga, on the other hand, is too easy and light, try andcombine the aspects of both, making your ideal plan, attending twodifferent classes during the week.
Finally, those who desire to enjoyprenatal yoga in the privacy of their homes, can get one of numerousvideos for these purposes. As for the poses, the ones you will findto be most helpful with your pregnancy are hip openers and thoseposes which involve you standing on all fours.
Why Choose Prenatal Yoga?
This type of yoga is specificallydesigned for pregnant women. Thus, it offers gentle and pleasantexercises and poses which help you position your baby right and makethe delivery pain and discomfort minimal. Also, prenatal yoga takesyour new belly into consideration; all the poses are modified so asto support this new change on your body and prevent any pelvicpressure upon the uterus. Nevertheless, you should still be carefulyourself and avoid excessive stretching, twisting and jumping, sincethese actions may result in injuries or pregnancy complications. Youmay do yoga involving these actions, but gently and in moderation.
Be careful not to indulge intobreathing retention exercises. Rather, change your breathingexercises into those suggested by the prenatal yoga. Your child needsair, as well as the rest of your body does. So, breathe at all times.Also, poses involving stretching your back, lying on your belly orback or forcing your abdominal muscles should all be avoided. You maydo them during the first trimester, but stop after this period.Finally, avoid hot yoga and any advanced types of yoga exercises,since none of these are adequate for pregnant women.
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