Acne may be a real problem for some teenagers, affecting theirself-esteem and changing their personality. Usually, these skin issuesdisappear in the 20s, but in some cases, acne could stay after the teen dayswell into the adulthood. Some adult people who hadn’t experienced acne whilethey were kids may also feel these problems on their skin. Acne vulgaris (as the doctors call acne) is not caused bybad hygiene of your skin, but most likely by the hormonal changes. Adolescents gothrough drastic changes of their hormonal status, which intensively affectstheir skin and sebaceous glands in the skin, leading to the formation of redspots, blackheads and whiteheads and also scaling of the skin.
Anti-Acne Products
On the market, you may find many OTC (over the counter) and prescriptiondrugs for acne. They are specially designed to cure the existing problem andstop the new acne from emerging. The amount of money spent on the anti-acne product,great commercial or even the fact it helped some of your friends won’t meananything. Still, some products may work, some may not. Your skin type, age andmany other factors will contribute to the efficacy of the acne products.
Some of the recommended products may contain antibiotics. Dermatologistsmay also advise you to use some creams or lotions that contain gluconic acid, glycolicacid, lactic acid or azelaic acid. If the condition of your skin is very severe,your doctor may recommend using the creams with Sotret or Accutane.
However, many are reluctant to use chemical products ontheir skin and would like to avoid that. For those against chemical, as well asfor those who would like to save some hard earned cash, there are somehousehold substances that could be used to fight acne.
The good thing is that if they don’t work – you can alwaysconsult your doctor and take some of the prescription medications.
Change Your Diet and Lifestyle
What you eat always affects your skin. Natural acne treatmentsalso include the use of proper vitamins and other supplements in your diet. Someof the best known supplements for your skin contain zinc and vitamin A andvitamin B6, because they have been proven to assist people suffering from acnein their treatment.
Try to relieve the stress in your life. If there is nothingyou can do to work under different circumstances, massages and physical activitymay certainly help a lot. It will help you to cure acne and also keep you fitand healthy.
Herbal supplements and skin care products containing naturalingredients are also advised for people with acne problems. Cleavers and yellowdock are just some of the herbal ingredients recommended for acne treatment.
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