People suffering from skin problems, especially acne, alwaysfear that there is no resolution. Well, they’rewrong because acne treated from both your face and body.
What is Acne?
Acne vulgaris is a skin disease, most common in teenagers, andmost people experience improvement or complete disappearance somewhere in theirtwenties. However, sometimes acne don’t just disappear and adults might also suffer from this condition. Usually, acne causes scaly red skin,whiteheads and blackheads as well as different types of bumps and spots. Itmay be an inflammatory on non-inflammatory condition, provoking damage to thehair follicles and the skin that acne appeared on. This skin problem is not normally caused by bad skin hygiene, but that can contribute to it. The most probable causes arehormonal changes happening to teenagers. Hormonal changes affect the sebaceousgland in the skin, leading to overproduction of oil, blocked pores or infectionof these glands.
Although the problem might seem irrelevant, acne mayseriously affect person’s self-esteem, so far to provoke depression inadolescents. So, whatever cause of acne on your face or body is, it shouldbe properly diagnosed and then treated. You may treat the symptoms, but thebest therapy is the one that affects the root of the problem.
How to Treat Acne on the Skin
There are several different ways and approaches you couldtry in order to take care of your face affected with acne. Some of theavailable cures are topical (creams, lotions, gels, ointments, etc.) and othersare oral medications. Creams and lotions containing different drugs might beapplied to the acne skin and some of these products are said to be veryefficient. Before you start any skin treatment, it is necessary to consult bothyour doctor and dermatologist, to make sure you are prescribed the propermedication or preparation for your skin. Sometimes, the appropriate treatmentmight be the correcting of hormonal imbalance. Once this problem is solved,your skin might recover too. This is another reason why you need the doctorbefore the start of the acne treatment.
The most common ingredients in these preparations are topicalantibiotics and various acids, such as glycolic acid, lactic acid or gluconicacid. Other products could contain different active substances, like azelaicacid. When acne become very serious problem your dermatologist may opt foraccutane or Sotret containing creams. Neutrogena and Retin A are just some ofthe popular acne creams.
Oral medications for acne include various products, but noneof them should be used before your dermatologist recommended them specifically foryour skin issue.
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