Numerous over-the-counter medications are capable of inhibiting certain factors which lead to the formation of acne and pimples on the surface of people's skin. These unwanted growths are triggered by excessive accumulation of skin oil, bacteria, dirt and dead skin cells, into the hair follicles of the skin. Fortunately, herbal medicines and over-the-counter medications may stop the infections which take place in the clogged pores. Yet, with an abundance of choices available on the market, one needs to know which skin care products are the best.
Finding the Best OTC Acne Treatment
When seeking the best possible acne treatment for you, you need to take your skin type into consideration. Namely, your skin might be dry, oily or excessively sensitive. Also, a severe breakout of acne is treated differently than a mild occurrence of the same skin problem. Moreover, certain medications and products made for these purposes deal with the bacteria which trigger acne formation, while other focus on reducing excessive oil and and sebum, clogging the pores.
Checking the ingredient lists of the products you are opting for is an ideal first step prior to the purchase. You are best to opt for benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur and resorcinol.
The Ingredients
Benzoyl peroxide treats both severe and mild acne occurrences. This chemical removes the dead layers of skin and the acne-causing bacteria. However, this product will dry out your skin and make it more vulnerable to ultraviolet sun rays, triggering redness and swelling in some cases.
As for salicyclic acid, it promotes exfoliation of the skin, treating mild acne, being gentle on the skin. Yet, mild tingling may be triggered by this chemical, as well as sensitivity to sunlight.
Sulfur and resorcinol, being common ingredients of many acne treatment medications, remove the extra sebum and dead skin cells, opening the pores up and allowing healthy perspiration, preventing acne-causing infections. Redness and dryness are also some of the common side-effects of these chemicals.
Finally, alcohol and acetone are excellent for treating acne, if you have oily skin. Dry skin may be damaged by these chemicals so people with such skin should skip products with these ingredients.
All in all, many products with these ingredients may work for you. Regardless, be careful and choose those which suit your skin type best. If you are not sure which acne fighting products are for you, consult with a dermatologist. Do not ignore or neglect this skin problem since it may get worse. Rather, treat it timely and effectively.
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