Pimple on Eyelid Characteristics
Taking into consideration that the pimplesmay appear on any pore we have on the surface of our skin, it is notstrange to bear in mind that they might develop on one's eyelids.However, since this is a very delicate part of our organism, manypeople consider pimples unable of affecting it. Unfortunately, thesebaceous glands on our eyelids may get infected as well, causingpimples to appear upon the eyelid area. The pain may be unnoticeableor irritating and extremely painful. The size of the pimple may varyas well. Moreover, there might be several pimples appearing on one'seyelid, making the whole situation worse. These skin conditions,usually develop on the very edge of our eyelids, at the points whereit connects with our eyelashes.
Fortunately, these pimples are easilytreatable and usually disappear in a couple of days. However, if yourvision is impaired due to this condition, or the pain becomesexcruciating, you are highly advised to seek medical attention assoon as possible.
Causes and Manifestations of EyelidPimples
One of the most common reasons behindthis condition is gland infection. Namely, we have glands whichproduce oil necessary for our eyelashes. Sometimes, however, somebacteria from our skin gets into these glands, causing infections.These may get worse in time, resulting in more serious symptoms likevision impairment or pain.
Alternatively, bacterial action maycause permanent red bumps to appear on your eyelids. These are calledpapillomas and are capable of being surgically removed.
Alternatively, redness or some otherharmless marks on your eyelids may all be signs of either aging orsome allergic reactions to certain cosmetic products you might beusing. Numerous other skin problems like psoriasis, glanddysfunctions, seborrheic dermatitis, conjunctivitis as well asdifferent bacterial diseases, all are possible of causing anomaliesappearing on the surface of our eyelids. Finally, a direct injury ofthe eyelid, cysts or strong medications, are also known to be thepossible culprits.
Possible Treatment of Eyelid Pimples
Most of the time, the pimples on youreyelids go away on their own. Therefore, you are not to touch thetroublesome area, or to try squeezing the pimples, as you might onlymake things worse. What you can do, is use artificial tears or someantibiotic creams in order to relieve yourself of irritation andpain, and to shorten the lifespan of these skin problems.
Also, you might boost your immunity byimproving your diet. When your body is weak, it gives way to thesekinds of infection. Thus, make it strong in order to be capable offighting off different bacteria and other microorganisms. Finally,hygiene is crucial, so keep your eyelids clean in order to preventany unwanted skin conditions of this type.
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