Characteristics of Dry, Scaly Eyelids
Suffering from dry, scaly eyelids can a problem that interferes with normal functioning and causes irritation on the outer surface of your eyes. This skin problem is triggered by some kind of an allergy which, again, may be caused by the exposure of your eyelids to certain chemicals in shampoos, soaps, make-up and other cosmetic products, which act like allergens. One of the most common reasons behind this problem is eyelid dermatitis, even though seborrheic dermatitis, blepharitis or atopic dermatitis can be the underlying causes as well. All in all, proper treatment is necessary for getting rid of this problem, and, before this is possible, you need to know how to recognize the cause by noticing the right symptoms of dry, scaly eyelids.
The Symptoms
Despite the predictable two we have mentioned in the name of this skin problem itself, the skin on the eyelids may undergo discoloration or may become flaky. Also, swelling, redness and pain may be present too. All these symptoms may or may not appear. Different combinations of them are possible aswell.
Possible Treatment
First and foremost, you need to compensate for the lost moisture of your eyelid skin. Nevertheless, you should not use just any kind of moisturizers. Rather, you should opt for those which suit your type of skin the best. Then, in order to stop this condition from appearing, you need to know what is causing it in the first place. In order to discover this, you may pay a dermatologist a visit. Then, after establishing a proper diagnosis, your doctor will prescribe the best treatment and suggest which cosmetic products you should avoid in the future. Applying a warm compress for about 15 minutes can prove to be quite soothing for the irritating eyes, helping you remove the flakes easier afterwards.
Alternatively, you might dissolve 3 drops of lavender oil in a cup of warm water. Then, you are to soak two cotton balls in it, squeeze them to remove excessive liquid and, finally, place them on the eyelids for a while. Also, black tea is a good choice, applied either the same way, or by placing tea bags on the eyelids. Just be careful not to let the lavender oil reach the inside of your eyes. Daily application of this type of treatment can result in the regeneration of the lost moisture in your eyes.
Finally, take good care of your personal hygiene, use skin products suitable for your skin type, eat well and healthy, drinking sufficient amounts of water regularly. All this can prevent scaly, dry eyelids from ever appearing.
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