Physical fitness is essential for good health. It is usually described as a state of health and well-being, the person’s ability to resist infectious diseases and to live effectively and efficiently in daily life. Physical exercise is important in all stages of life. It is more than critical part of staying healthy, living longer and feeling better. It provides many benefits in all areas of life: physical, emotional and mental. At least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day can deliver so many benefits, strengthen the body and prevent some of the most notorious diseases such as heart diseases and even certain types of cancer. The key is to find the right exercise for all ages and all individuals. When the exercise is fun, people are more likely to stay motivated and harvest all of the benefits.
General benefits of fitness
Physical fitness builds muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and lean body composition. It is never too early or too late to become physically active. However, people are advised to adjust their fitness program according to their overall health and age. People who exercise on the regular basis increases the size of muscles and bone strength, improves heart function and lung capacity. It also improves one’s body composition and positively affects the self-image. Fitness is a great way to relieve stress, improve the range of motion, muscular balance and decrease the chance of injury during day-to-day activities.
Fitness for children
Regular physical exercise is very much important during childhood. It helps children to develop their bones and muscles and to maintain their weight at the optimum level. Children younger than three years should get at least three hours of physical activity per day, while their older friends need at least an hour of exercise. This may sound like too much time, but some careful planning is all that it takes to incorporate fitness into day-to-day activities. For example, parents can build a tree house and motivate their children to climb a rope, or engage together in long walks, bicycle riding or rollerblading.
Fitness for elderly
Elderly individuals can help prevent many symptoms of aging and maintain their health and vitality, by implementing a plan for exercise. Benefits of exercise include improvement in blood lipids levels, optimization of blood pressure, strengthening of the bones, better posture and better balance. People who exercise on the regular basis can also increase their life span and help the older individuals remain independent for many years.
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