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Physical Exercise, as most of us know, holds many great benefits. Exercising can help to boost ones mood, and also to maintain physical fitness. Physical exercise should be combined with correct nutrition and proper rest. In many cases, those who undertake physical exercise do not get enough rest. This is not a good thing, as rest can help the body to rejuvenate. Try to spare some time during your weekly or daily rest for some regular physical activity.

About Physical Exercise
Exercise can help to prevent chronic health problems, as well as promoting weight loss. It has also been found that exercise is closely connected to proper brain function. Exercising can calm us down, thus resulting in better sleep. Stress reduction is another potential benefit that can be gained from exercise. Brain chemicals are stimulated after physical exercise, thus leaving one with a feeling of happiness and relaxation. Regular exercise can also hold psychological benefits. Gaining exercise can also boost self confidence and self esteem, and exercise is often recommended for those suffering from depression.
Chronic diseases can be fought through exercising regularly. Exercise can help to prevent osteoporosis, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, certain types of cancer, and type two diabetes. The management of weight is one of the best known benefits of physical exercise. Muscular strength can also be built up through exercise. Flexibility and endurance can also be increased and enhanced through the undertaking of exercise. Exercise is particularly important with regard to children, as it can help to maintain energy balance and psychological well being in a child.
Three main types of physical exercise are normally undertaken. Categorization of these types of exercise are based on the overall effect of the exercise type. The first category that we will look at are flexibility exercises. Stretching is one such flexibility exercise. Flexibility exercises are designed to improve endurance and range of motion. Aerobic exercises are the next category of exercise type. This category includes activities such as walking, running, jogging, swimming, tennis, cycling, step aerobics, skipping rope, rowing, hiking, and skiing. Activities such as this focus on cardiovascular health. Anaerobic exercises are the final category. This includes exercises such as weight training and strength training. This type of exercise is focused on building up the strength and the endurance of the muscles. Yoga is a type of exercise that focuses on all those different types of exercises.

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