Maintaining and restoring the optimal pH balance in the body may be one of the key factors for healthy living. Basically, the PH balance in the body is the equilibrium of acidic and alkaline factors in fluids and bodily tissues. Humans’ blood also has its own balance, crucial for numerous metabolic functions.Acid-Alkali Balance in the body
The pH value is the hydrogen-ion concentration in gram atoms per liter. The pH scale has 14 points that represent the acidity or alkalinity of the fluid. Value of 7 indicates that the solution is neutral, pH value higher than 7 indicates the basic solution, while the lower values indicate acidic solution. The ideal pH balance of human body ranges from 7.3 to 7.4. The human body functions normally in this safe pH range. However, changes to the normal pH factors may happen because of the diet and stress factors.
If the body’s pH is at the acidic end of the safe range, our health becomes seriously affected. Person may become more prone to viruses, bacteria and various infections. Persistent health problems like congestion, headaches, fatigue, chronic pain or arthritis, may also be evident.
Over-acidity of the body
High acidity levels may weaken all body systems, and this health condition is very common in the modern world. When the body becomes acidic, it creates an internal environment suitable for many infections and diseases. Acid-alkaline imbalance most commonly occurs as the effect of bad dietary habits. However, consuming the acid food is not directly responsible for disturbed balance. It is the acid and alkali ash that is responsible for harmful pH levels; not the original chemical composition of foods.Restoring pH balance in the body
All metabolic processes, including immunity, depend on a carefully balanced pH levels. To maintain pH balance, one should pay a special attention to foods and products that he uses every day. As much as eighty percent of dietary intake should be based on alkaline while the rest of the foods should be more acidic.
Foods that should be avoided, or consumed with moderation, as they promote acidity are: sugar, artificial sweeteners, sweet foods, coffee, tea, juices, pop, alcohol, vinegar, meat, cheese and animal products. Antibiotics are also known of this negative effect.
Foods that promote alkalinity in the body and improve pH balance are: lemons, limes, apple cider vinegar, soy and tofu, avocado, vegetables, spices, and essential oils.
Water is another important constituent of healthy and well balanced diet, and taking a lot of it will help to neutralize acid residues.
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