Did You Know Your Blood pH Levels Could be Keeping You in Pain?
Muchlike the litmus tests we might remember from high school chemistry labs, where we got to stick a stip of litmus paper into a solution and wait for the reaction's results to show whether it was acidic or basic, our bodies have got similar mechanisms (called the pH level) of measuring the level of acid in one's body.
Manydoctors think of this pH (Potential Hydrogen) level as a critical factor to a person's medical well-being. The pH level of a human body may vary from 0 (acidity) to 14 (alkalinity). A figure of 7.35 is considered an ideal pH level.
Thehuman body is not very good at tolerating a pH imbalance. A prolonged pH imbalance may lead to: skin eruptions, headaches, allergies, colds and flu and sinus problems. Eventually, if the pH level leans towards the acid side, oxygen levels decrease, and cells begin to die.
Becausedisease-producing organisms thrive on pH imbalance, a person with a fairly balanced pH level (7.0-7.4) has a much tighter immune system. That is also a strong point behind why some people catch bacteria when there is a pandemic going on, whilst others don't.
When there is a pH imbalance, acidic conditions may cause muscle constriction, whilst also prevent the exchange of nutrients. These conditions manifest themselves via: pain, fatigue and soreness. Because the body's pH level affects all cellular activity in one's body, it is the trigger to a variety of degenerative diseases among other things.
How it Happens
The causes to a pH imbalance may vary from an unhealthy diet to a stressful lifestyle – consequentially leading to a crippled immune system. Having high acid also allows for "the bad cholesterol" to build up in one's body. The main sources of high acid are: processed foods, pre-packaged foods, sugary foods, pastas, milk, cheese, ice cream, alcoholic beverages, drugs, table salt and meat.
The main causes to a pH imbalance are stressful situations, the lack of sleep or exercise. Type A personalities are most prone to an acidic imbalance.
Restoring the Balance
Thefirst thing one should think of while restoring one's pH balance is the diet. One should incorporate more fruit, vegetables, yogurt and almonds into one's diet. Cutting on the cheeses, soft drinks, alcohol, processed foods, and sweeteners is also a must. The most of your diet (roughly 75%) should be alkaline-producing food.
If such a diet is too tough on you, alkaline supplements are a perfectly suitable substitute.
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