Migraines are chronic headaches which can make a catastrophic impact on one's life preventing him/her from functioning properly. These headaches can last anywhere from several minutes to several hours or even days.
A person suffering from migraines is incapable of concentrating or performing usual actions. Rather, he/she is likely to search for a quiet dark place to lie down and wait for the pain to go away. Some people can sense their migraines returning through certain symptoms like sensitivity to light, vision problems, hand or leg twitching etc. During the headaches themselves, one is likely to feel nausea, vomit or continue being extremely sensitive to light.
Signs of Migraines
These phenomena are likely to affect a person during his/her childhood, adolescent period or early adulthood. They mainly manifest through severe headaches affecting one or both sides of the head, which are of pulsating or throbbing character. This pain is increased if the sufferer moves or indulges into any kind of physical activity. Therefore, people with migraines have troubles leading their normal lives.
People usually take painkillers in order to deal with migraines. However, this might work for some individuals, being futile for others. If your migraines cannot be treated by medications, you are best to seek medical assistance in the shortest timespan possible.
If you do not take medications or do not treat these headaches, they are likely to last from four to 72 hours. As for the frequency, it varies from one individual to another. Nevertheless, on average, migraines take place several times a month.
Types of Migraines
Common migraines usually manifest solely through pain and discomfort. Most people suffer from these kinds of migraines. Yet, there is another type, called aura migraines. Auras are changes affecting your vision or other senses before and during the onset of migraines. So, you might see flashes or lights and feel the pins and needles sensation in limbs.
There are also universal symptoms which act as premonitions of migraines. You may feel a significant rise in your energy levels or you may be craving for sweets. Also, thirst is common during this period as well as drowsiness, nervousness or depression. Some or all of these may take place several hours or even days before the actual migraine strikes you.
If your migraines take place suddenly, with fevers, seizures, vision or speaking problems or other such occurrences, or if you have endured a head injury before the occurrence of migraines, seek medical attention. Also, do the same if these headaches worsen after coughing, movements or straining.
Prevention of Migraines
In order to keep migraines at bay, you need to find out what triggers them and stay away from these causes. Also, you need to lead a healthy life, eating the right, natural food, exercising regularly. Additionally, you may need to change your medications, especially if these contain estrogen. Finally, alternative treatments such as acupuncture, herbal medicines, massage and biofeedback have proven helpful in many cases.
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