Acne as Widespread Problem
It is believed 80% of people had some form of acne at some point in their life. Acne outbreaks are common in people aged between 11 and 30. Nearly 100% of people between 12 to 17 years of age, of all races and ethnic groups at least occasionally suffer from whitehead, blackhead or pimple outbreaks. However, in over 40% of people acne manifest as serious skin condition that requires treatment.
Acne usually develops between the ages of 10 and 13, and commonly last about five to ten years. In some people, this skin disease continue into adulthood while some develop acne in adult age for the first time.
Acne commonly appears on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, upper arm and thighs. Both males and females are equally affected. Acne is the most frequently diagnosed skin disease in Americans who spend more than hundred million dollars per year for over-the-counter acne treatments.
Acne Causes
Exact reason why some people develop acne is still unknown. It is believed acne develops due to sebum, produced by sebaceous glands of the skin, which clogs the pores allowing bacteria to multiply and cause inflammation. Heredity factor is also believed to play a role as many people with acne have family history of the disease.
However, there are different myths related to acne such as it is caused by poor hygiene. In fact, clinical trials conducted as Stanford University have shown that washing the face either once or four time a day did not reduce acne outbreaks.
These studies have also found that stress aggravates acne but there is no prove that stress causes this skin disease. Furthermore, unhealthy eating habits and decreased sleep contribute development of acne while drinking plenty of water can help to improve skin condition.
Acne Cures
A cure for acne does not exist. However, there are natural ways to reduce acne. Healthy balanced diet can provide sufficient amount of nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C and E and mineral zinc needed for the healthy skin. Triggers for acne like junk and processed food as well as too much sugar should be eliminated from the diet.
Since acne can point to acidic blood, it is necessary to balance pH level in the body to improve health of the skin. It is recommended to eat lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy oils as well as to increase intake of water in order to reduce acne. Plenty of water can also help to flush toxins from the system but it would be best to use filtered water.
Flex seed oil should be consumed regularly as it promotes health of the skin. Also, different natural supplements that contain vitamin A and zinc can help to eliminate acne. Finally, it is vital to restrain from picking acne as it can only aggravate it.
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