Wrinkles as one of the leading aesthetic problems
Wrinkles are the furrows on the surface of the skin that happen most commonly because of the age factor, but they can also appear due to the fatigue or worry. They are insightful and the first indicator of the aging process of the skin, and that is why they are one of the leading problems of the elderly women, since they would love to look young forever. The most visible wrinkles are prone to appear on the hands, neck and on the facial skin, especially on the area around the eyes.
So, the appearance of the wrinkles is the consequence of the surface of the skin being gradually damaged through the time, and that process of the dying of the cells underneath the top layer of the skin starts actually around the 25 years of age. The more and more cells die, and that process is worsened by the natural process of the tissue’s losing the flexibility. However, wrinkles are also the result of the excessive extending of the dermis.
The other factors that increase the risk of somewhat earlier appearance of the wrinkles are excessive sunbathing, cigarettes and alcohol consumption, and sometimes certain aggressive chemicals can corrode the dermis and epidermis as well. Of course, the deficiency of some existential nutrients undoubtedly leads to the wrinkle problem.
Since the cosmetic products haven’t been so efficient, there are a lot of herbal remedies for at least minimizing the wrinkles, by only partially making the surface of the skin less uneven. Because of that, the skin must be supplied with enough moisturizing elements, and its elasticity needs to be improved, by the intake of a lot of fibers, antioxidants, fatty acids and the omega 3 oils. So, the fruits and veggies are best to be eaten in the fresh form, but the intake of the supplements is also recommended. Those are the vitamins A, B (all the complex), C, E and the minerals.
So, those beneficial nutrients can be used orally, by supplements, or by eating the groceries that are rich in them, but some homemade remedies that should be applied topically can be made from the fruits and veggies as well. For example, the best effect on the regeneration of the skin have the mixtures based on the jojoba oil, and very beneficial for hydrating the skin is the remedy made from the peppermint tea and the apple cider vinegar.
However, aromatherapy has shown lately to be very effective in the treatment of the wrinkles. It is, actually, the treatment based on the putting on an aromatic essential oil to the affected areas, of course, after the process of cleaning.
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