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Hemorrhoids are one of the most common anal and rectal problems which affect the mentioned areas, so, consequently, they can be external and internal (the internal ones are not painful). They are actually the cracks which appear on the surface of those areas because of the swollen veins, and they are prone to be swollen because some excessive pressure is put on them. The reasons of the pressure are most commonly the irregular bowel contractions, constipation and pregnancy. The symptoms are the irritation and sometimes bleeding (when a crack occurs).

This happens because the veins of the mentioned area (and the veins in the lower extremities also) through the time, gradually lose their ability to move the blood upwards, to the heart. That is the reason why the blood stays in the veins, causing them to swell but the blood vessels of the anus and rectum tend to crack because they are of somewhat weaker structure. Similarly, the muscular tissue of those areas tends to contract less frequently, thus lessening the amount of the blood pushed upwards.The changes which should be practiced

Since this is very often problem that is worsened because of the generally unhealthy lifestyle, such as eating the foods which has harmful effect on the gastrointestinal system, and not having any or little physical activities; there is a lot of ways to deal with this problem.

First of all, one should realize that he or she must introduce some beneficial changes into his or hers daily activities. The new and improved plan consists of leading a healthy dietary regime, but especially of the increased intake of the foods rich in fibers. This change will affect the digestion and metabolism, and the result will be the stool which is neither too liquid, nor too solid. Also, the regularly practiced workouts lessen the chance of reappearing of the hemorrhoids.

Besides the foods rich in fibers (fruits and vegetables), the beneficial nutrients, concerning this matter, are, of course, the vitamins, which can be consumed either, as the supplements that should be added to the meals, or as the foods eaten in the raw form. Those vitamins, especially the vitamin C, consumed along with the chemical called flavonoids, directly make the veins smaller. Fruits and veggies also provide a lot of the healthy minerals that help the regeneration of the broken tissue.

As far as the fibers are concerned, the herbs that are very rich in them are flaxseed and psyllium (ispaghula), must be consumed daily. And when it comes to the remedies that should be applied directly on the affected spot, the cream based on the St. John’s wort is one of the most effective.

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