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Everybody knows how vitamins are beneficial to overall health. The skin is one of the body organs that require vitamins, minerals and other nutrients for healthy and glowing appearance. Vitamins and minerals beneficial to skin can be obtained from foods, dietary supplements and skin creams and lotions.

Skin Vitamins

For a healthy complexion and youthful appearance of the skin it is vital to regularly consume sufficient amount of vitamins. The skin is the organ that most obviously reflects the condition within the body. Lack of essential nutrients can result in variety of skin problems such as wrinkles, acne and psoriasis. Skin creams and lotions are not enough to maintain healthy skin but it must be nourished inside as well. This can be provided with healthy balanced diet and use of dietary supplements.

Every vitamin is important. However, there are several specific vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients that are particularly significant for the skin. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) vitamins A, B complex, C and E are the most important for skin health.

Vitamins C and E

Vitamin C and vitamin E are considered to be the best skin vitamins. They are antioxidants that help to reduce negative effects of prolonged exposure to the sun, wind, cold, smoke and pollution to the skin. Vitamins C and E protect against damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals destroy the supporting fibers of the skin, collagen and elastin, causing wrinkles and other signs of aging of the skin. Collagen production can be stimulated with adequate intake of vitamins C and E and use of creams containing these vitamins.

Vitamin C helps to regenerate the skin and reduce wrinkles. To maintain healthy and youthful skin, one must take 500 to 1000 milligrams of vitamin C per day. It can be taken in the form of supplement or obtained from fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, bell peppers, cauliflower and leafy greens.

Vitamin E has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to soften rough dry skin. It can be obtained from dietary supplements or natural sources like vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, olives and spinach.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important for maintaining and repairing the skin tissue. It helps to reduce wrinkles, acne and even psoriasis. Lack of vitamin A can result in dry, flaky complexion. Foods rich in vitamin A include orange and green vegetables, milk, eggs and liver.

Vitamin B Complex

Among vitamins of B group, biotin or vitamin B7 is the most important vitamin for skin and hair. Creams with this vitamin are used to hydrate the skin. Lack of biotin may result in hair loss and dermatitis. Niacin is also essential for the skin. It moisturizes the skin and provides smooth complexion.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K helps to eliminate bruises and dark circles under the eyes. For skin treatment it is best to use topical vitamin K.

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