Mucus in Urine Means that Something is not Right
The problem regarding mucus in urine must be solved, which can only be done if the source is found and treated. The presence of mucus in urine is not a normal finding and is practically always associated with some underlying condition. There are several possible causes and we will list a few.As it has already been mentioned UTI is most commonly a reason behind mucus in urine. Furthermore, the problem can be closely related to certain sexually transmitted disease especially of they apart from the genital tract additionally affect the urinary tract.Under certain circumstances even kidney stones and stones of the urinary tract in general may be blamed for mucus in urine. The connection between the formation and stones and mucus is also somehow related to secondary infections which are a common complications of the very presence of stones.Finally, in some cases of malignant tumors of the urinary tract, the person affected may notice changes in the urine's appearance, one of which is the presence of mucus.All in all, a person noticing clouding of the urine and other changes in urine appearance particularly if there are additional health issues such as pain while passing urine, frequent urge to urinate or even urinating blood is due to consult his/her health care provider immediately, without any delay.
Foul Smelling Urine a Sign of Infection
If one's urine smells bad, it is usually not good news. In spite the fact that consumption of certain foods may cause foul smelling urine, there are also medical conditions characterized by the mentioned change. Namely, a foul smelling urine is often connected with urinary tract infections. Therefore, if the smell of one's urine remains foul during a longer period of time, a person is highly advised to seek medical attention.The main indicator of an urinary tract infection is the odor our urine emits. Namely, we can get infected with numerous bacteria mostly through sexual intercourse with numerous different partners. Bacteria can also enter the urinary tract if one does not maintain impeccable hygiene of the genital area or the bacteria normally found in the large bowel accidentally reach the urinary tract. Such bacteria start breeding in our urinary tract and our bladder, causing inflammation and subsequent tissue damage in the process. This has the specifically unpleasant urine smell as an indicator. The characteristic smell is a consequence of the presence of bacteria in urine, their by-products as well as specific substances they might produce and release.The smelly urine often comes hand-in-hand with short urinating sessions, expelling smaller amounts of it than regularly. Burning and abdominal pain may also take place. Along with the smell, the urine may have blood in it. In cases of nausea and vomiting along with foul smelling urination process, there is a high likelihood of an undergoing kidney infection. Dehydration, breathing difficulties and fever add on to the list of possible symptoms accompanying foul smelling urine. All the mentioned are definitive indicators of an ongoing infection of the urinary tract which requires prompt medical treatment.
Additional Findings
Urine analysis is of major help when it comes to diagnosing urinary tract infection. The very appearance of the urine, the presence of mucus, characteristic and intensive smell along with symptoms patients complain about are all taken into consideration together with urine analysis. Such test usually shows an increase in white blood cells in urine (the parameter of the ongoing infection).Note that women must pay close attention when collecting urine samples because infection of the genital tract may cause vaginal discharge which mixed with taken urine may be blamed for incorrect results.
Possible Treatment
First of all, once one starts noticing the foul smell of urine or mucus in urine, he or she is best to seek medical attention. After examining the samples of the troublesome urine, the doctor will find out the type of bacteria in it and thus prescribe an adequate therapy. One should drink a lot of water in order to clean his or her kidneys and expel all the bacteria from them. Approximately 12 glasses a day are considered the optimal quantity. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics as well. Drinking cranberry juice or yogurt with honey may all cause the foul urine smell to disappear. Naturally, proper hygiene is a must.Women, having their urinary passages shorter than men, are more prone to urinary tract infections. Therefore, they should pay more attention to the symptoms and react immediately upon notice. Any given infection, if left untreated, can cause irreparable damage. Therefore, both men and women should not ignore this state of affairs and should seek medical attention the moment their urine starts to look strange and smell unusually.
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