Cystitis is the medical term for the bladder infection, which is one of the infections that can occur in the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections are infections that affect the bladder, urethra and the kidneys. Urethritis is the medical term for the urethra infection, while the medical term for the infection of the kidneys ispyelonephritis. The bladder infection is the most common and most frequent of all the infections of the urinary tract. Cystitis is in the majority of cases, caused by bacteria.
Women are more susceptible to developing of any urinary tract infection because a woman’s urethra is shorter than that of a man and therefore, it is nearer to the vagina and the anus. However, men also should pay attention to the bladder or any other infection of the urinary system.
Causes of bladder infection in men
It is known that urine does not contain any bacteria; therefore, bacteria that cause the bladder infection enter the urethra from digestive system and then reach the bladder. The name of the responsible bacteria is Escherichia coli, although the fact is that Chlamydia and mycoplasma may also induce infection of the urethra and reproductive organs.
The bladder infection in men is usually developed from the urethra infection. Furthermore, the prostrate bacterial infection may expand even to the bladder and affect it. Thosemen who suffer from benign prostatic hyperplasia and enlarged prostrate, as well as those men who have kidney or bladder stones, are more susceptible to the development of the bladder infection. Moreover, the men that must use urinary catheters are also at high risk of the appearance of cystitis.
Symptoms of bladder infection inmen
The most common warning signs of the bladder infection in men are a constant urge to urinate and frequent urination, as well as painful urination with burning sensation. Furthermore, the men who suffer from the bladder infection may have dense and cloudy urine with foul smell, and there are even cases when hematuria occurs, which is the medical term for the appearance of the blood in urine. Other symptoms of the bladder infection in men include pelvic pressure and tenderness in the region of the bladder. Sometimes, the men with this condition may experience low-gradefever.
When the symptoms are established, the bladder infection is diagnosed after the urine sample and urine culture are taken. These tests can show which bacteria caused the infection and after that, the doctor prescribes specific medications to fight the bacteria.
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