What is Hematuria?
Hematuria is the medical term that describes the appearanceof the red blood cells (RBC) in the urine. There are two types of hematuria:microscopic and macroscopic. Microscopic hematuria is not visible by the eye. Inmacroscopic hematuria, there are enough blood cells to be visible and to changethe color of urine, usually to pink or red color.
Patients suffering from blood in the urine can also havesome other symptoms, including: the visible small clots of blood in the urine,nausea, vomiting and appetite and weight loss. Some of the patients experience problemsand pain while urinating and sometimes pain in the flank or groin.
Causes of Red Blood Cells in Urine
There are many different medical conditions that might causethe appearance of red blood cells in urine. Urinary infections are the mostfrequent cause of RBC in the urine. Bacteria infect the urinary tract, damagethe tissue and may cause blood in the urine. In some cases, infection might go further,and bacteria might infect urethra, bladder or even kidneys.
Kidney problems, such as stones, inflammation or tumors couldblock urinary tract, leaving just a small passage for the urine. Kidney stonesin particular can be the cause of intense pain and discomfort for the patientsand cause blood in the urine.
Different diseases might also lead to the RBC in urine. Diabetesand sickle cell anemia are known to cause this medical condition. Enlarged prostate in older men is a non-cancerousenlargement of the prostate gland. The prostate cells tend to enlarge and causethe appearance of RBC in the urine.
Medications such as Aspirin, phenytoin, quinine, rifampinand warfarin have blood in the urine as the potential adverse effect.
Trauma, accidents, kidney infections, kidney or bladderdamage and hard exercise may also provoke the appearance of RBC in the urine.
Treatment for Blood in Urine
To diagnose the condition doctor will perform urine andblood test, and sometimes kidney ultrasound and cytoscopy. Specialists willaddress the cause of the RBC in urine and treat that primary cause of illness.
Kidney stone patients will be prescribed with the painkillers. These patients are also recommended to drink plenty of fluids everyday.
Kidney or urinary infections are usually treated with prescribedantibiotics.
If a certain medication causes hematuria, these patients arerecommended to consult their doctor, about the stop or reduction of thetreatment.
Sometimes, there is no apparent cause of the RBC in urine. Doctorsrecommend regular blood checks every 6 months and close monitoring of the bloodpressure.
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