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Mexican Food

The foods that come from this cuisine have become very popular in the recent years. There are many ingredients located in these food items and based on them, we are able to show you a calories list of some of the foods. The food coming from this cuisine has very popular aroma, pleasing flavors, it is diverse and it uses unique cooking style. Mexican food has influenced many others that have implemented some styles used by this cuisine exactly. Also, fast food has been greatly influenced by the Mexican cuisine, and some of them have even specialized only in this kind of food. As, we have mentioned, we will see how many calories there are in some of the food items and this will be done based on the ingredients used. We will now see which ingredients are used in the Mexican cuisine.


The foods used in Mexican cuisine come from the South American and Spanish food and they create some sort of fusion. Mexican cuisine of today relies on these foods, although even that was not always the case. Chilies, herbs, vegetables and corn were the basic ingredients used for the preparation of the Mexican dishes during the Spanish invasion in America, and the Mexican cuisine of today greatly relies on these ingredients. Herbs are very important in the preparation of Mexican food and they are not a source of calories that Mexican dishes have. Some foods like meat, corn and beans give the most calories to the list. Cornmeal is used for the preparation of Masa dough, which is a base for several meals coming from the Mexican cuisine. The food coming from Mexico has high level of carbohydrates, vitamins and proteins. It can be considered to have medium amount of calories, gathered mostly due to the meat, beans and grains used for the filling.


We will give you a list of Mexican foods and the calories they have. The chickens chimichanga has 675 calories, chicken enchilada 700, chicken burrito 600, Caesar salad 535, beef fajitas 1300, vegetable fajitas 810, chicken skins with sour cream 565, barbecue ribs 360, tortilla chips and salsa 515, nachos 1000, tortilla chips and guacamole 590. We can say that the general amount of calories that the Mexican foods have is approximately 1000 calories. But there are ways you can reduce the amount of calories. You can grill instead of fry, use tortillas and tacos made from whole wheat and use brown rice and low fat oil. Remember that Mexican food has high level of calories and those who follow a diet have to be careful when eating Mexican food.

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