The question of whether vitamin water is or isn’t goodfor the health
Although, one can’t really claim that a beverage thatconsists mostly of water and has vitamins B and C in it is bad for one’s health,the fact that it is really high in the level of processed sugar fructose andcalories does not exactly make it the number one choice for a healthy beverage.Not to mention that the amount of sugar it contains is greater the amount ofvitamins. It’s true that the amount of vitamins isn’t exactly insignificantlysmall, but all that sugar makes the fact the water contains those vitaminsinsignificant. That’s why vitamin water is not recommended for frequentconsumption. Drinking it once in a while will do no harm whatsoever, butconsuming it regularly will only add to weight gain. Not to mention that if theperson does not include physical activity in their lifestyle, frequentconsumption of vitamin water may even lead to obesity. That’s just anillustration of the quantity of those unhealthy ingredients in it.
One thing that’s important to point out is that those peoplewho maintain dietary regimes that are based on law-carb intake should avoidthis water at all times because of its large sugar content.
A positive outlook on vitamin water
While it might sound like vitamin water has too many flawsto be considered a healthy drink, it is still considered to be a generallyhealthy one because of the nutrients it contains. They are good for providingthe body with energy and boosting the immunity, sugar or no sugar. Also, beingwater, it is a good option for hydration.
Another thing about it is that no meter how high its sugarlevel is, it is still considerably healthier than all the soft beverages,energy drinks and caffeine that people tend to consume on a daily basis. Butthat does not mean that it should be consumed regularly either. The key to itbeing more healthy, then harmful is in moderate consumption.
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