Vitamin B12 is one of such subtypes and it is awater-soluble vitamin, which is to say that it eventually dissolves into water,as opposed to those vitamins that dissolve into fat. Also, it is considered tobe the most valuable of all vitamin B complex components.
The benefits of vitamin B12
Perhaps the most important use of vitamin B12 can be foundin its preservation of the nervous system. What vitamin B12 essentially does issustain the myelin sheath, which is a sort of membrane that covers and shieldsthe nerve fibers.
Vitamin B12 is also crucial for the growth and developmentof different cells in the body. Not only that, but it is also the key torestoring them when they happen to be damaged. Apart from the body cells,vitamin B12 is included in the creation of DNA.
Another very vital role of vitamin B12 is in dealing withthe part of the brain that stores memory. It is found to be of great help incases where memory loss is involved. It has also found its use with peopledealing with Alzheimer’s disease.
And as if all of the above weren’t enough for one sub-vitamin,it is also used as a cure for any type of anemia. Anemia is a condition wherethe body isn’t supplied with sufficient red blood cells. What vitamin B12 doesis connect the inherent factor necessary for the good quality of blood, therebyimproving the red blood cell count.
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency relates to the insufficient intake ofvitamin B12. What happens in the body when this occurs, is that all of theabove-mentioned processes that vitamin B12 is vital for begin deteriorating andstop functioning as they should be. Some of the most basic symptoms of vitaminB12 deficiency include lack of strength, weariness, exhaustion,lightheadedness, poor appetite, weight loss and problems digesting food.
Also,being as important for the high red blood cells count as it is, once it’smissing from the body, their number is likely to drop significantly, leading tosome of the various types of anemia. Sudden mood swings, emotional imbalance, and trouble sleeping are likely to arise as well, thanks to the impact that vitaminB12 has on the nervous system.
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