Staphylococcus aureus is the name for the bacteria which is the culprit for the production of boils on our body. They produce dust and dirt when they get inside the skin. Boils can be developed in the neck area, when they are very tender and soft, and in the face area below the hair line, which is the most common area for their development. The bacteria guilty for the condition, can be found in every man’s body. They can be present because they are created after birth, or if the colonies of bacterium are present in the gens. These people usually have constant problems with boils, which always come back. One of the important parts of the process of the diagnosis and treatment is the bacterial culture, which determines which bacterium is responsible for boils creation. After several tests are performed, the diagnosis is made and the type of antibiotics that can be used, will then be chosen. The danger of boils reoccurring is very possible. Even if you are consuming antibiotics, the condition can be transferred to other people, so try to maintain proper hygiene.
The most popular area for the creation of boils is groins, face, neck, buttock and armpits. The most discomforting and painful are the ones created on the neck. Fever and very serious pain are possible. This kind has a form of acne, but very complexform. Some of the symptoms experienced includes the creation of tiny red area which grows over time, then it swells and grows into lump with white center. Then the head will be visible, and pus will come out from it. When the blood and pus are removed, the boil will disappear. Try not to squeeze the boils, since scaring can happen. If you want to treat the boils, you do not need to wait for the body to eliminate the boils naturally. The body has the strength to do this, but the process can be quicker if some antibiotics are used. Cream wit tetracycline can be used as well. Diet is also important for the treatment. Eat only healthy food and eliminate fat and junk food from your diet. This will make the immune system strong, and make the battle against the boils more successful and effective. Try to avoid direct exposure to the sun, because it can make the treatment longer and unproductive. Home remedies which can be used include neem bark, castor seeds, avoid sour food, consume melons, and perform exercises regularly, massages and sponge baths.
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