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The skin, which is the largest organ of the human body, often reflects processes that go on inside the body. The skin suffers from many internal disorders and it particularly suffers from nutritional issues. Of course, the skin is susceptible to its own problems and issues, and boils are just one of them.

About boils on face

A boil is a symptom of skin infection that occurs when bacteria, usually streptococcal ones, enter the hair follicles. Hair follicles are small cavities from which the hair grows. When it becomes infected, the area becomes red and swollen. A boil is round, elevated from the rest of the skin, usually with a visible white head on top of it. the white head is made of pus and pus is basically dead skin cells, bacterial debris and white blood cells that accumulate in the area in order to fight the infection.

The boils on face are not the same thing as acne. The best way to know which one it is is to consult a doctor, but it also helps to know that boils are usually very painful and the redness they cause affects the larger area.

Treatment for boils on face

The boils that appear on the face should be treated as soon as they appear, before they become larger and more painful.

The boils, just like acne, should not be popped or squeezed, because it will not only irritate the boil but also spread the infection to the surrounding skin. They can, instead, be covered with a clean, soft washcloth soaked in hot water. The washcloth should be gently pressed on the boil and the temperature and the moisture will start pulling the pus towards the top of the boil, so it can evacuate more easily, which usually occurs in several days, especially if the warm damp washcloth is applied at least twice a day.

The face should be washed and cleaned with antibacterial soap and antiseptic lotions. It is also recommended to use an antibiotic ointment, preferably containing the type of antibiotics the streptococcal bacteria respond well to. It is also recommended to cover the boil with a piece of bandage, if possible, to protect it from dirt and dust.

If the boil continues growing and creating more pus even after this kind of treatment, it is better to see a doctor. Some strains of streptococcal bacteria are resistant to broad-spectrum antibiotics so it may be necessary to do certain tests and determine what kind of treatment will be effective.

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