Most people are familiar with the word homeostasis, but most people are really not sure what it means. There are ways that help the human body to remain in balance with the environment. The outside environment affects this consistency of the body, but it remains unchanged. It can be compared with the finely tuned machine. Homeostasis is very complex and needs help from several factors. All of these factors help the human body to endure in almost any possible environment. The homeostasis is important for human kind and it may be a reason why we have prevailed and endured as specie.
How does it work?
As we have said, the complexity of the human homeostasis helps the human to adapt to the surrounding environment. The energy is used to give the body the energy it needs. This energy is gained from the conversion of water and food, waste management and using system of enzymes and organs. The PH level and the body temperature are two most important elements or parts of the human homeostasis. The survival depends on many systems and areas of the body, of which some we may have never considered to be of great importance, like shivering and sweating, which help the body to be warm or cool, depending on the need.
PH level is of greatest importance, as we have concluded earlier. The machine will work better if the water has higher alkaline level and this will contribute to the healthier state of the body. Liver and kidneys are some of the organs responsible for the waste management and they remove unneeded acidic properties of water and food we consume. These processes can be made better and more efficient, even though they occur naturally. One of the ways is to consume food and water with low amount of acidic properties.
The balance is kept with the help from many body areas, like nervous system. The nervous system regulates the breathing, heart rate and other basic body functions. The pituitary gland is located in the brain and produces enzymes and hormones made from specific material. Nervous system also helps the balance maintenance of the electrolytes and fluids. Foods that have high level of alkalinity will certainly aid this process. Alkaline water will give us a high homeostasis level. The inner environment of the body will be regulated easier with the use of this water, gained by the use of water ionizer. As we can see, the diet of an individual has a great effect on the homeostasis, so try to consume food with good PH level and high in nutrients. The balance may be compromised by the effects of the toxins, such as alcohol and drugs. The natural maintenance of the body will be much harder to accomplish if these toxins accumulate in the body. Also, homeostasis may be affected by the depression, lack of sleep and improper diet. These problems will affect the respiratory and nervous system flow and hamper with the homeostasis level. Homeostasis is a very important, strong and persistent process, but we should do everything we can to make it better and stronger. Lead a healthier life, since it will help with homeostasis and your life in general.
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