The amount of dependency on alcohol will determine how bad the withdrawal symptoms are for the individual. Some people that are alcoholics and are having withdrawals feel such pain that they think they are in fact dying and will need to be in a hospital. Over a period of time if a person drinks alcohol excessively then eventually their mind and their body will grow dependant on the substance. If this individual tries to suddenly stop drinking alcohol then they will suffer with alcoholism withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol will allow the chemical dopamine to grow in the brain causing the individual to feel good and happy because of this altered imbalance of chemicals in the brain it can have disastrous effects. Like any drug addiction the more you have the more you will inevitably need so the brain tells you to drink more and more over a longer period to try and get back that initial happy feeling they once found in alcohol.
A big question people ask is how do you know what is an expectable amount of alcohol to drink. It is actually calculated by how many drinks you have over the course of one week and in one day. For you to be classed as an alcoholic for males you would drink in excess of five alcoholic drinks in a one day period and over fifteen drinks in one week. For women it is a different figure almost half in fact for a woman to be known as an alcoholic then she will drink over eight drinks a week or if you look per day then she will drink in excess of four drinks daily. To remove alcohol from a person’s bodily systems takes approximately four to eight days however some can take in excess of six weeks and the actual process for going through a withdrawal program can last over seven months.
Some of the milder symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol are anxiety, irritability and maybe sometimes a feeling of nervousness. They will experience emotional changes and possible headaches. More moderate symptoms may include lack of concentration, tiredness, sweating on their hands and their face, nausea and a loss of appetite. More severe symptoms of withdrawing from alcohol are experiencing a fever, convulsions and possibly some black outs. The individual can also unfortunately go through periods of delirium of tremens.
The symptoms may climax just later than forty eight to seventy two hours and have the potential to last weeks.
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