Many people will unfortunately suffer with some form of back pain. Sometimes it is due to going through an injury, other times it’s from simply over working your back. There are times when your emotional or mental state of being can cause you to suffer with a bad lower back and other times the pain is caused by menstrual or prostate situations. The way you sit, stand and sleep as well as your weight are all factors to be considered if you have a sore lower back. It is also advisable to seek the attention of your doctor if you are suffering with the pain in your lower back in case it is something related to your spine. However, keep in mind that the homeopathic approach is most of the time far better for you and works just as well.
Aesculus and Arnica for Back Pain in the Lower Region
If your pain feels worse when you get up from sitting down then Aesculus is probably the right answer for you. Aesculus works great for people who have hemorrhoids and a lower back pain. Arnica has a name for helping with soft tissue damage, you should apply it to the area as well as take it internally.
Bryonia and Calcarea Carbonica for Back Pain in the Lower Region
If your pain intensifies when making some small, minute movements, even coughing, then Bryonia may be the answer for you. If, however, you are often cold or are overweight and get tired easily then Calcarea carbonica may be right for you. It helps with muscle weakness which is of course worse when you are cold.
Calcarea Phosphoric and Actaea Racemosa for Back Pain in the Lower Region
If you are feeling a stiffness in your neck area or a sore feeling in your muscles that run along your spine area then maybe Calcarea phosphoric is the right remedy for you. However, if the stiffness is very powerful and painful for you then maybe you should switch to a supplement called Actaea racemosa which will also help with pain that feels like it goes all the way down to your hips and into your thighs. For women that suffer with the pains from their menstrual cycle or have a heavy feeling then again the Actaea racemosa is the answer. Usually, the people that have this medication are full of life and talk a lot but get annoyed with illness.
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