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Bone density and mass are increased continuously up to the age of 35, and after that, it starts to decline. Bone loss is process that happens gradually all of our lives, from age of 40 till death. Loss of bone density, or osteoporosis, can be the cause of many bone fractures and other injuries.

In cases of broken bones, there are number of home and homeopathic remedies that you can use. Here we will describe some of them.

Home Remedies for broken bones

Bone fractures are very painful and stressful, and also they seriously limit your movements. To help you overcome those problems here are some tips for home remedies for bone fractures. Take regularly zinc, calcium, potassium and magnesium supplements. Theses minerals will speed up significantly your recovery. Also Boron is very important if you want to mend your bone loss.

Homeopathic Remedies for Broken Bones

Homeopathy is another natural alternative to classic medical approach. Homeopathy treats the whole body of the patient instead just the symptoms. Homeopathic remedies have no side effects and they are safe to use. About instructions of dosage and use, and about the choice of homeopathic remedy for your bone injury, it would be best to consult your homeopathic expert or doctor.

Usual principle in case of homeopathy is to try one remedy first, wait for a reasonable period of time and see how it works, and after that keep using that same remedy or try another one. In some cases combination of several homeopathic remedies can be used. Here is the list of homeopathic remedies you can use in order to relieve your bone related problems.

Calcarea carbonica

This is recommended homeopathic remedy for people with bone injuries, which feel anxious from stress or work and gets easily tired. This people can also have swollen joints and feel back pain.

Calcarea phosphorica

Symptoms that indicate usage of this homeopathic remedy are stiffness in the joints and the bones, soreness, weakness and in cases of calcium deposits build up.


Good choice of remedy in cases when people with bone injuries take a long time to heal. Risk of infections is higher with this type of injuries.


This homeopathic remedy is recommended in cases when patients, as consequence of osteoporosis, tend to heal more slowly that usual, does not have very strong bones, and they have various spine problems as well.


This is a good homeopathic remedy in cases of osteoporosis. Symphytum can heal the old fractures and other bone injuries, help in strengthening of the bones, and prevent the future injuries.

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