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Most cities will supply you with a Chinese restaurant of some kind and the majority of cities have a Chinese restaurant on every corner, however, not many of them can truly mimic the splendor of a Kung Pao Chicken recipe. Many people will consider the Kung Pao dish to be a Shanghai dish or a Guizhou recipe but regardless of this they all will agree with one another that there was a prince who had found the dish whilst on travels and had brought it to the imperial court. So it is now known as a Chinese dish. In any case, it is a favorite and it can be made from either beef, tofu, shrimp or chicken.

The Expectations of a Kung Pao Chicken Dish

The dish in theory should be full bodies and rich in flavor. You should be able to identify the chili immediately but not to the point of burning your mouth. You should be able to just notice the garlic flavor as well as the ginger. It has optional peanuts due to allergies. The sugar content is to counteract the vinegar.

Should You Use a Take Out Service For King Pao Chicken

Most Chinese food lovers have tried the King Pao Chicken dish via having a take away which is a much lighter version of the real deal. Most of the take out dishes are rather pale in comparison to how they should look and they usually consist of large portions of vegetables.

Kung Pao Chicken Recipe

You will need a pound of cut up chicken breast, two table spoons of cornstarch, some sesame oil, four garlic cloves that are chopped up, three diced green onions, a tea spoon of ginger that is powdered and a tea spoon of crushed up flakes of red chili pepper, you will also need six table spoons of soy sauce, six table spoons of rice wine vinegar, six table spoons of sugar and half a cup of un-salted peanuts. Once you have collected all the ingredients you can put together the chicken and the cornstarch and fry it in the sesame oil until the chicken is crispy on the outer side. Now you can put together the sugar, the rice wine and the soya sauce and combine well and set aside. Next you can stir fry the onions, garlic, ginger and the red chili for twenty seconds in a wok with sesame oil. After which you can also add the mix you set to one side and allow to cook for a minute or so, now add the chicken for another five minutes. Now, add the peanuts for another three minutes. Now the dish is complete.

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