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Lavender originates from the Mediterranean area but is now cultivated all around the world. The most common variety used in the herbal medicine is the English lavender. Lavender oil and aromatherapy are known for their sedative, relaxant, carminative and antiseptic properties and they can be used to relieve insomnia and anxiety.

Health benefits

Lavender essential oils are very beneficial in relaxing the vascular smooth muscle. Lavender contains a substance called linalyl acetate and it is the key ingredient for the progressive and sustained relaxation of muscles. It works by activating the pathway for nitric oxide and cyclic guanosine monophosphate. Lavender fragrance is very efficient in relieving depression and insomnia. A component called linalool is contained in the lavender oil and it is proven to be very beneficial for persons who suffer from high blood pressure. Lavender oil has a characteristic scent which provides olfactory stimulation, lowers the activity of the renal sympathetic nerve, lowers the blood pressure and elevates the activity of the gastric vagal nerve. Lavender is also efficient in enhancing the appetite. It can also be very beneficial in suppressing the activity of sympathetic nerves decreasing the concentration of plasma glycerol lowering body temperature and increasing the food intake and body weight.

Lavender may also come in handy in relieving pain, improving work efficiency, increasing the levels of attention and providing a better rest. People who suffer from agitation and anxiety may benefit a lot by using lavender oil. Aroma and the ambient odor of lavender are very helpful in reducing anxiety and improving the mood while a person waits for a dental treatment.

Lavender can be used in a hand massage in order to provide a positive effect on the emotions, agitation and occasional aggressive behavior in patients who suffer from dementia. Lavender aromatherapy helps in relieving tense arousal, energetic arousal, anger, hedonic tone and frustration and it also provides a person with a positive mood. Lavender can also be helpful in reducing mental stress and increasing the rate of arousal. It can also be beneficial in reducing the risk of cancer and the activity of certain types of mutant colonies. Lavender oil is also known for its potent antibacterial activity.

Side effects

Lavender oil is cytotoxic to human skin cells to a certain degree which means that it can be related to damage of the membranes of the skin cells. Lavender can also sometimes be harmful because it tends to increase drowsiness and certain other effects usually associated with drugs used the lowering of bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Lavender oil should not be applied topically on the skin in excessive amounts.

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