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Olive oil is an excellent source of vitamin E, carotenoids,monounsaturated fats, chlorophyll and several other types of antioxidantsubstances. It is also abundant in oleuropein which is very efficient inpreventing the formation of plaque in the arteries. It reduces the levels ofbad cholesterol in the blood, increases the levels of good cholesterol in theblood, reduces the blood pressure and prevents stroke or heart attack from occurring.

Cancer Inhibitor

Olive oil is a remarkable source of oleic acid which is amonounsaturated fatty type of acid which is very efficient in reducing theimpact of oncogenes. Oncogenes are commonly associated with converting the cellsinto cancer cells and speeding up the process of development of breast cancertumors, among others. Olive oil can be combined with drug therapies in order todestroy the cancer cells of endometrial cancer, prostate cancer and severalother types of cancer as well. Most fats are associated with colon cancer butthat is not the case with olive oil.

Blood Sugar Controller

Those who suffer from diabetes need to ingest as little fatsand carbohydrates as possible so olive oil can also be considered as a healthyaddition to their diets. Olive oil is very efficient in lowering the levels oftriglycerides and controlling the levels of sugar in the blood. It is one ofthe main components of the famous Mediterranean diet and it is so healthy andnatural that it can be consumed even in the freshly squeezed form as itpreserves the aroma, taste, nutrients and healthy properties of the olivefruit. It is one of the best sources of monounsaturated fatty acids which meansthat it delivers various health benefits. Olive oil can also be very beneficialfor the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract because it preventsgastritis and ulcers, enhances the secretion of pancreatic hormones and bileand lowers the risk of gallstone formations.

Olive oil and heart disease

Olive oil lowers the oxidation of cholesterol and increasesthe levels of phenols and several other types of antioxidant substances in theblood. Extra virgin olive oil is an even better source of phenols, vitamin Eand numerous other antioxidants. Olive oil does not upset the ratio of omega 6and omega 3 fatty acids in the human body.

Olive oil and colon cancer

Olive oil can also come in very handy when it comes to theprevention and treatment of colon cancer.

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