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Hair loss may not always be due to genetics. Often, an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to the loss of hair. However, in both cases, losing one's hair can be a cause of distress and may have an effect on self-esteem. Thinning hair can affect and alter one's appearance - generally negatively - and this can lead to problems with confidence. There is a solution; wearing a hair piece. This is not a modern or recent innovation or trend - hair pieces have long been used to tackle baldness or hair loss. A variety of styles and cuts are available in order to reflect the ever-changing face of fashion, so even the most style-conscious should be able to find a piece that suits them.

Hairpieces are now being used even by those who do not have problems with baldness. Many simply want to change their appearance or look and use a hairpiece or hair extensions in order to try something new. Hairpieces are available in a wide variety of hairstyles so whether one wants a shorter or longer style, one will surely be able to find it. Synthetic and natural wigs and hairpieces

There are also a large number of different types of wigs available from which to choose. One can choose the option of a wig that covers the head entirely or one that merely needs to go over one particular area of the head. Hairpieces that use real hair will of course produce more natural looking results, but these pieces can be expensive. With regard to synthetic pieces, one can choose between classic or monofilament pieces. Monofilament products use a bash of very fine mesh into which the hair is intricately sewn. When used at the crown or hairline, monofilament pieces can produce a very convincing look. In any case, the use of a hairpiece of any type, synthetic or natural, can radically improve one's appearance.

Weaves and Extensions

Another approach is to use hair weaves or extensions. Weaving involves interweaving strands of hair with one's own hair, using special threads and needles. This effect can last for months but requires professional expertise. Hair extensions are applied using glue or snap comb clips or flex combs. This can add volume and length to one's hair and different lengths can be employed in order to achieve the desired look. Fusion, bonding and braiding can also be used to attach hair extensions.

As indicated, there are numerous solutions and fixes for thinning hair or the onset of baldness so there is no need to be downhearted should one begin to lose hair. The problem can be solved.

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