Exercising has to be done properly and regularly. This isthe only way to make it effective and harmless. We say harmless becauseexercising might also cause injuries, which might prevent a person fromexercising for a long time. So, what has to be known about workout routine?
Training session
There are three major parts of each training session and the firstwould include flexibility stretching routine and warm up phase. This part is veryimportant because when done properly, a lot of medical problems might beavoided (muscle strains, spasms, joint injuries etc.). What exercises are donein this phase? Those would most certainly be exercises that include extending all parts of the body, arms,legs and torso. Starting position should be normal standing, with feet apart slightly more than normal, basically at the shoulder width. Flexibilitystretching routine should start with raising one arm above the head. The torso isbent to the opposite side (left arm, right side). Arm is following torso and itextends as much as possible, almost until the pain is felt. A person should bein this position for a little while and then slowly return to the starting position.
Arms can be used for performing circle movements, whichextends the back and shoulder muscles too. After these and similar variations, the torso will be stretched and extended. The simplest exercise includes bendingforward until the torso touches the legs, with legs straight, without bending theknees. This exercise is great for the back, but also for back of thighs and calves.If possible, a practitioner should grab calves with hands, although it might bea bit too much for a beginner. There is also torso rotating (to both sides)with arms freely hanging down.
There are also exercises for neck and head and they includemoving the head in all directions, including circling motions. This will warmup and stretch the entire neck and upper torso area, which is also essential forgood performance while exercising later on. There are also stretching forms that are done while on thefloor and they include stretching all parts of the body but with focus on legs.
After the session
When training session is over, a practitioner should stretchagain, also extending the muscles. This is used for preventing possibleinjuries. The problem is that most of the times, people simply do not want towaste time on warming up and stretching and go for the main part of thesession. Unfortunately, this can easily lead to causing some harm to the muscles.
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