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Exercising has many benefits and it is one of the thingsthat will make the organism as healthy as possible. It is true that onlyperforming physical activity might not be enough for reaching perfectly healthystate, but it is an excellent start. So, how to know which physical activity tochoose?


Aerobic exercise is one of the most effective physicalactivities when it comes to fat burning process. This is thanks to the factthat it can be done for a long period. Strength needed for performing this typeof workout is set at a low or moderate level and therefore, muscles are notbecoming tired easily. This happens because of the presence of the oxygen andthus the name of the workout – aerobics.


What are basics of the aerobic exercises routines? As anyother type of workout, aerobics must begging with stretching and warm up. Eventhough exercises are not physically exerting as in muscle mass building, still,this is an important part of each training session for preventing injuries(spasms, cramps, strains). Usually, warming up includes spot jogging andsimultaneous arms and legs stretching.

After the warm up, the main part of the trainingsession can begin. If performed at home, a practitioner may play the favoritemusic, which is an excellent thing for motivation as long as it has the fastrhythm to correspond the exercises. Aerobic exercises include a lot of stepforms, including arm motions. Step aerobics is for some people the basic formof aerobics and it is excellent for beginners. After this one, more intensiveroutines can be applied. Aerobic exercise routines are excellent for the entirebody. Almost all muscle groups are activated, which is the main point of thisexercising form. There is no additional weight included, so there is no bulk upeffect and only lean muscles are created. Lean muscles and body without theexcessive fat layers, to be more precise. Last part of the routine wouldinclude extending the muscles. Even though the muscles are not put into muchstrain, they have to be relaxed and stretched properly.

After some time, a bit more intensive aerobic routine canbe applied. Even light free weights can be used as long as the exercisingremains aerobic. Adding some light weight will not bulk up muscles, but it willmake them stronger. It is also important to execute exercises properly becausethat will create the best possible effect when it comes to weight reduction.

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