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Aging and Exercising

As we grow older, our body deterioratesin many different ways. One of these involves a decrease in physicalfunctions and the flexibility of our muscles in general. This givesway to many different health problems, some being more dangerous thanthe others. Luckily, by performing specific stretching exercisesregularly, one can reduce the pain and troubles of senior agesignificantly. Therefore, the following lines will describe the beststretching exercises for seniors, helping them to cope with theiraging process much better.

Stretching Exercises for Seniors

Before you even think about performingthese exercises, you are highly advised to consult with your doctor,especially if you suffer from some kind of a medical condition. Afterthe doctor allows you to do this kind of physical activity, you mightproceed with the program. Just make sure you do some gentle warm uproutines like jogging or running a bit, before you start with thestretching.

The first exercise involves stretchingyour back and is performed by lying down on your stomach with yourbody flat on the floor, raising your head and legs simultaneouslybefore returning into the initial position, repeating the process 7times.

Next, stand up with your hands highabove your head. Then, lower the hands so that you can bend your backand touch the tip of your toes, holding this position for severalseconds and repeating 7 times.

As for your hips, in order to stretchthem good, you might try lying down on your back, flat on the floor,bending one of your legs. Once you do this, grab the thigh of thatleg with both of your hands and pull it towards you, until you feelthe hips stretching. Return to the initial position and do the samewith the other leg.

Since your calves need support andexercise too, you might stand on an erected step, standing only withthe ball of your feet. Then, raise and lower your body, letting yourfeet sink into the floating area. Repeat this 10 times. Additionally,rotating your ankle after raising one of your legs into the air canbe quite beneficial for these joints of yours.

For stretching you inner thighs, youare best to assume an erected position, with one of your legs bent inthe knee, slightly in front of you. Then, while keeping the other legstraight, force some of your body weight on the bent leg, providingthe straight leg a good stretch.

Finally, for your upper body, you mightjust intertwine your fingers and stretch your hands in front of you,palms out. Alternatively, you can do the same thing with your handsbehind your back, straightening them and raising them as much as youcan, stretching the muscles. Also, you can place your arm behind yourneck and pull it with your other arm, stretching it. Rotating yourneck in all sides is very useful as well.

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