Take Good Care of Your Eyes
The modern world we live in involvesstraining our eyes most of the time. Almost all lines of worknowadays consider spending some time in front of the computer.Moreover, leisure time is mostly spent by sitting in front of the TVor reading a book. All these, and many other common lifestyle factorsall contribute to our eye straining. Therefore, we are likely to harmour eyesight or experience some difficulties in the correctfunctioning of these vital organs. Excessive eyestrain is mostlymanifested through dry eyes or twitches. However, sometimes, some farmore serious causes may be behind these small eye problems.Therefore, it is important that we ensure our ocular health and reactas soon as we notice some unusual symptoms.
Reasons Behind Eyestrain
As mentioned above, staring atdifferent screens for longer periods of time is the main cause ofeyestrain. This involves computers, TVs, mobile phones, etc. Inaddition to this, there is reading in dimmed or insufficient lights,driving for too long or doing anything requiring extreme eyeconcentration for too long. Additionally, imbalanced eye muscles orother, similar causes may be the culprits as well.
Manifestations of Eyestrain
Excessive straining of your eyes willsurely result in twitching of the eyelids, blurred vision, dry ortear-filled eyes along with many others. Itchiness, irritation, lackof focus and burning sensation, all add on to the possible indicatorsof this problem. If you experience these, consider doing some of thefollowing steps.
How To Relieve Your Eyes of Stress
First and foremost, if there are somemedical conditions behind one's eyestrain, one needs to seek medicalattention and get rid of these in order for the above mentionedsymptoms to cease.
However, those who spend most of theirworking time in front of a computer screen may consider purchasinganti-glare reading glasses. These reduce the amount of lightradiation from computer screens thus making it easier for one to readand work in front of these devices for longer periods of time.
Also, sit at least at an arm's lengthfrom the computer monitor and make sure you increase fonts you cannotread instead of getting closer to the screen. Keep your screen in adark place and have it clean all of the time, since being exposed tolight or dust only increases its harmful glare.
Additionally, if you are using bothbooks and the computer, place the books next to the computer display.This will help your eyes keep their focus when you switch from paperto screen.
Finally, make sure you blink regularlyand make short breaks every now and then. This will reduce theeyestrain greatly, keeping your eyes healthy and your sight sharp.
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