Eyestrain manifests differently in different people, and it can be experienced as burning, tightness, sharp pains, dull pains, watering, blurring, double vision, headaches, and other sensations, depending on the person in question. What should be known and evident is that this condition actually doesn’t refer to a particular disease, but is merely a symptom of some more serious condition, such as for example asthenopia. Symptoms such as fatigue, blurred vision and occasional double vision oftenshow up after reading, working on a computer, or other similar activities.
Unlike this fairly serious condition, eye strain is not of such a grave nature. Though it can be really irritating, it has the tendency to simply disappear on its own after you rest your eyes properly. Precisely because of this, the condition in question is often simply a signal of certain more serious present condition or disease, which can be dealt with successfully only by a specific treatment method. Perhaps, some things can’t be influenced by your desire and personal needs – job for e.g. , or some other factors that are present in your environment which initiate eye strain, there are certainly steps that one can take in order to defeat this minor condition satisfyingly.
Some of the more common symptoms of eyestrain include the following: nonspecific soreness of the eyes, blurring of vision, minor tearing, dryness, double vision, sensitivity to light, soreness in the back of the neck, inability to properly focus on images or even the combination of all the mentioned ones. But probably the most common to appear is a headache. Though it is by nature not so intensive, it can nevertheless manifest itself in both temples. The best way to ameliorate the pain, and neutralize the headache itself, is to stop any action or task you were doing at the moment. One of the ways to medically pinpoint the eyestrain is by giving your doctor a detailed account of the health history.
Though it represents a mild form of visual impairment, this condition is very prevalent, and surprisingly, 70% of the people who regularly carry out prolonged visual tasks do have trouble with it. Being awkward and annoying, important is to know that eyestrain causes no long-term consequences. The best way of dealing with it is to seize with the activity you were doing at the particular moment eyestrain occurred, and give your eyes a bit of needed rest. After all, eyes are not replaceable.
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