Plant Super Food
Berries and kiwisare super fruits and they carry a lot of good things for you. Eating berrieswill provide plenty of antioxidants, phytonutrients, water, fibers andsweetness, but you won’t have to worry about calories or your blood sugar. Takejust one kiwi every day and your body won’t need any more vitamin C. There arealso some potassium, fibers and vitamins A and E present in this fruits.
Nuts, beans,quinoa, sweet potatoes and broccoli also deserve to be on the super food list.
Don’t worryabout the fat in the nuts, because there are plenty of other important nutrientsthat are good for your body. They can lover your blood cholesterol and evenhelp you lose some excess weight. All nuts are believed to be good for you, butonly in small doses.
Quinoa is anancient grain, very easy to make and extremely rich in proteins and iron. All otheringredients in quinoa, such as selenium, zinc and vitamin E can lower the riskof heart problems, diabetes and also regulate your weight successfully.
Beans containinsoluble fibers, proteins, carbohydrates, magnesium and potassium. They can substitutemeat because of high percent of proteins. Three cups per week is all you need.
Sweet potato is packed with vitamins A and C, and also some potassium and calcium.
Broccoli isalso filled with vitamins (A,C and K) and fibers, good for you, which is why itdeserves to be called super vegetable.
Animal Sourcesof Super Food
Eggs, yogurtand salmon are also some of the best food you can find. Eggs provide qualityproteins and they are known to be equally economical, versatile and nutritious.There are 12 important minerals and vitamins, and they will definitely improveyour memory and development of the brain. Although some claim that eggs are filledwith cholesterol, eating them for breakfast will not significantly affect yourcholesterol level. But, it will make you eat less during the day, and as resultyou could lose some weight in the long run.
Low fat orcompletely fat free yogurt should also be on the top of your list of favoritefoods. It can be safely used by people sensitive to lactose, and it is rich ineverything you need for the day, being the complete food. Yogurt can beenriched with some probiotics, vitamin D or some of your favorite fruits.
Another superfood is salmon, because it contains omega 3 fatty acids. These are scientificallyproven to keep your heart healthy, and plus they contain iron and lots ofprotein. American heart Association even recommends eating fatty fish two timesper week.
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