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Metabolism is a chemical process in the body which provides energy and uses energy to maintain the structure of cells. Metabolism refers to food digestion and elimination of waste through feces and urine. However, metabolism is also important for other processes in the body such as breathing, circulation and maintaining body temperature. Metabolism influences the muscles, brain, and nerves as well. If you want to improve your metabolism, the best way to do it is to eat healthy food.

Whole Grain and Spices

Whole grain, oatmeal and cereals are excellent choice for healthy breakfast which will improve your metabolism. This food is rich in carbohydrates and fibers which will provide your body with enough energy to the most of the day. Oatmeal is especially good for lowering the level of cholesterol. Whole grain will decrease the production of insulin. Too much insulin causes your body to store food as fat. Hot spices will also boost your metabolism because they will speed up the process of burning calories. It is recommended to take cayenne pepper and jalapeno, not just because they are healthy, but because your food will taste much better.

Dairy Products

The best diary product for boosting metabolism is low fat yogurt. It is excellent if you want to get rid of excess weight as well. It is recommended to have at least three glasses of yogurt every day for optimal results. Yogurt is rich in calcium, protein and many other nutrients which will also improve digestion.

Meat and Fish

To improve your metabolism, eat lean turkey because it is low in fat and rich in vitamin B, potassium and zinc. Turkey will lower your cholesterol and improve your immune system as well. It will also help you lose weight because your body will burn more calories. You should also eat chicken, beef and pork to boost your metabolism. As far as fish is concerned, the best choice is salmon, sardines and tuna. Salmon is particularly good for improving metabolism because it is low in saturated fat and rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acid, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, niacin and vitamin B. These nutrients are also good for your overall health.

Fruits and Vegetables

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables if you want to boost your metabolism and provide your body with vitamins and minerals. The best fruits are grapefruits, apples, pears, blueberries, oranges and lemons. You should eat a lot of broccoli, spinach, celery, carrots, cucumbers and cabbage.


Drinking plenty of water each day is a must for your metabolism and healthy body. Green tea and coffee are also recommended for boosting metabolism and losing weight. There are many other health benefits of green tea because it has anti-cancer properties.

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