Regular physical activity is recommended by various specialists, as the best way to achieve or maintain healthy body and increase your body’s ability to cope with everyday situations. Essential oils may be of great help for people of any level of fitness and in many different situations. Reach for essential oils when you strain some muscles or have some muscle sore. Also, using these oils will improve your performance and tone and define your muscles much better.
Over the counter product designed to be used in athletes may contain certain chemicals, like aluminum and thus be harmful for the body. Essential oils are natural and they don’t include any harmful substances. Apart from potential allergic reaction there is no reason why you shouldn’t use some essential oils and improve your performance and muscles.
Essential Oils before Training
Naturopaths advise using the mixture of essential oils before your regular exercise routine. Blend 10 drops of rosemary, thyme and eucalyptus essential oils in 2 tablespoons of some carrier oil (choose the one you prefer). Massage the mixture over the arms, lower back, buttocks, thighs, calves and ankles, but also on your feet. This essential oil mixture is said to be great for the structure of your muscles and skeletal frame, and it also benefits your lungs and respiratory system.
Enhance Performance
Once you finished with your exercise, take a shower and use mixture of 15 drops of eucalyptus and the same amount of rosemary essential oil in 2 tablespoons of some carrier oil. Apply the mixture all over the body for 14 days, and you should experience improvement of your muscles.
Instead of steroids or similar working medications, you can try some essential oils and achieve improvement of your performance without harmful side effects of the drugs or steroids. Blend 5 drops of each basil and bergamot essential oils with your preferred carrier oil and massage it onto your body. Use it especially on the day you need greatest results and you will feel the difference in the strength of your muscles.
You may also combine some other essential oils, to maintain best physical condition. Tea tree, wintergreen and birch essential oils are highly recommended by many naturopaths.
Use Essential Oils after Hard Workout
Overworked muscles may also benefit from the use of essential oils. Simply, use 2 drops of lemon and 3 drops of marjoram essential oils in the hot bath and soak your body. Once you get up, massage the body with the mixture of 5 drops of each ginger, peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils in 1 tablespoon of some carrier oil. After this treatment, your body will definitively feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
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