Information on Egg Drop Soup
Egg drop soup is a very healthy starter and appetizer fromthe classic Chinese cuisine. It can also be considered a full meal when servedwith non-fried spring rolls and one of the numerous types of salad. Nutritionalvalue of egg drop soup may vary greatly due to the constantly changing recipes.The same reason makes the constant changes in calorie and fat content ofdifferent egg drop soup recipes.
Nutritional Values of Egg Drop Soup
A serving of restaurant style egg drop soup may contain upto 94 calories, out of which there are 52 calories contributed by the fatcontent. A serving of sun bird egg drop soup mix may contain up to 45 calories,out of which the fat content contributes somewhere, around 10 calories. Fat is anecessary integral part of every diet but ingest too much, especially saturatedfats may lead to certain medical conditions and complications. A serving ofrestaurant style egg drop soup contains 5.8 grams of total fat out of whichthere are 1.7 grams of saturated fats. A serving of sun bird egg drop soup mixcontains a gram of fat. It contains no saturated fats at all. High levels ofbad cholesterol may be associated with strokes, heart attack and several otherserious medical conditions. A serving of restaurant style egg drop soup maycontain up to 159 milligrams of cholesterol while sun bird egg drop soup mixcontains no cholesterol at all. Sodium can be rather harmful because highlevels of sodium inside the human body may lead to dangerously elevated levelsof blood pressure. A serving of restaurant style egg drop soup contains 1.179milligrams of sodium, while the same serving of sun bird egg drop soup mixcontains only 660 milligrams of sodium. The same serving of a cup of restaurantstyle egg drop soup contains 4.2 grams of total carbohydrates, 0.4 grams ofsugar and 0.1 grams of dietary fiber. A cup of sun bird egg drop soup mix maycontain up to 7 grams of total carbohydrates, less than a gram of sugar and nodietary fiber at all. A cup of restaurant style egg drop soup contains 5.9grams of proteins, while a cup of sun bird egg drop soup mix contains a gram ofproteins. Each cup of restaurant style egg drop soup contains 6 percent ofvitamin A, 6 percent of iron, 2 percent of calcium and 1 percent of vitamin C.A cup of sun bird egg drop soup mix contains 25 percent of vitamin A, 2 percentof iron and 2 percent of vitamin C and no calcium at all.
Health Benefits of Egg Drop Soup
Egg drop soup provides the human body with the preciousunsaturated and saturated fats. It is very efficient in boosting the levels ofenergy, controlling the muscle contractions and repairing all the damagedtissues.
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