Information on Tilapia
Tilapia is a type of white fish and it is a very popular delicacyin numerous different parts of the world. It has a very pleasant taste andcontains a relatively small amount of calories. It is one of the most importantspecies of fish in the entire aquaculture. Salmonids and carp are the onlyspecies which are more important than tilapia.
Tilapia is a remarkable source ofprotein and it is important to stress out that the species of tilapia growsfast and lives short, therefore it is not that vulnerable to mercury. Mercuryaccumulation in certain types of fish is a growing concern of many scientistslately. Tilapia is rich in protein, low on mercury, low in calories, low insodium, low in carbohydrates and low in saturated and non-saturated fat. It isalso a good source of certain other types of important nutrients such asphosphorus, potassium, niacin, vitamin B12 and selenium.
Baked Tilapia Nutritional Facts
A serving of baked tilapia which contains 2000 calories alsocontains 1 gram of total fat, 15.2 micrograms of selenium, 16 milligrams ofcholesterol, 106 milligrams of potassium, 16 milligrams of sodium, 1 percent ofmanganese, 7 grams of proteins, 1 percent of copper, 0.2 milligrams of vitaminE, 0.1 milligrams of zinc, 0.3 micrograms of vitamin K, 15.7 milligrams ofsodium, 1 percent of vitamin B1, 57.1 milligrams of phosphorus, 2 percent ofvitamin B2, 9.5 milligrams of magnesium, 1.3 milligrams of vitamin B3, 0.2milligrams of iron, 2 percent of vitamin B6, 3.9 milligrams of calcium,1.7micrograms of vitamin B9, 0.2 milligrams of pantothenic acid and 0.5 microgramsof vitamin B12. It does not contain any carbohydrates, vitamin C, dietaryfiber, sugars or vitamin A.
Tilapia Nutritional Benefits
Tilapia is very popular nowadays because it contains nocarbohydrates and it is appropriate for numerous health-conscious people aroundthe world. It is one of the most important components of numerous differenttypes of diets which are used for the building of muscles. It may also come invery handy for those who recuperate from numerous different types of illnesses,injuries and surgeries.
Tilapia contains only 2 grams of fat per 3.5 ounces.Tilapia eats cereal grains, seaweed and vegetables and that is the main reasonwhy it does not contain high levels of mercury. It is very good for the overallhealth of the heart. Tilapia is usually baked or grilled.
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